Finding the best childcare in Swansea

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Finding the best childcare in Swansea

Finding the best childcare in Swansea can be a difficult task for many parents however with the right guidance, the process can be easy and productive. There are several factors to look out for when choosing childcare for your young one.
  1. Visit your chosen childcare setting
The first step is to visit and talk to a person directly. It also helps to take a friend, your partner or even your child along with you as you make the visit. Some of the key factors to look out for when looking for the best childcare in Swansea could include:
  • Experienced and trained staff who are ready to learn and respond to your child’s individual needs.
  • A welcoming and friendly atmosphere with a safe and clean space and an outside play space.
  • Children who look happy and purposeful – they are busy and relaxed.
  • A diverse staff team and children who reflect local cultural and ethnic groups.
  • Sensitivity and responsiveness to children’s home life.
  • Scheduled times to exercise and quiet times to relax.
  • Fun activities planned for each day.
  • A big welcome for you and your child.
One of the best childcare in Swansea is the Treforys Tiny Tots Day Nursery who have a great reputation for childcare. They have been in the childcare service since 1991 and are reputed to provide the highest level of childcare in Swansea. Their core values are about caring, fun and satisfaction. Treforys Tiny Tots key facilities include:
  • Highly dedicated qualified staff.
  • Large outdoor play area.
  • Availability for your work shift pattern.
  • Holiday play schemes.
  • School pickup and drop off service to all local schools.
  • Secure and safe premise with CCTV.
  • Community dental scheme i.e. Designed to smile.
  • Memory books i.e. a lovely keepsake of photos artwork and other memories.
  1. What will your child enjoy
The following is a list of things that children told Family and Childcare Trust who visited Treforys Tiny Tots as most important when they were asked for their views:
  • Friends – They wanted a stable group of children who they can have fun with.
  • Food – They wanted mealtimes that are fun and relaxed and they can help themselves to snacks and drinks.
  • Fun – They wanted to play outside.
  • Finding out – Children loved discovering and learning new things so they like having new and interesting activities to do every day.
  • Feeling safe and loved – Children need to feel cared for, safe, comforted and loved.
Treforys Tiny Tots is the best childcare in Swansea as they are an Award Winning Nursery in Swansea. They were nominated and won the award for the Apprenticeship Awards Cymru in October 2016. The Award demonstrated that Treforys Tiny Tots are dedicated to exceeding expectations and paving the way for a dynamic approach to training, innovation and creativity, demonstrated initiative and enterprise and a commitment to improving skills development in the Welsh economy. Treforys Tiny Tots motto of ‘always learning’ is essential in learning education through play and their happy, fun, caring and loving environment makes for a happy child. Treforys Tiny Tots nursery in Swansea, the best creche in Swansea is here and has been giving expert childcare for over 25 years. We have become one of the best childcare in Swansea to date.

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