Rhyme and Rythm

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Rhyme and Rythm in Children


Rhythmic rocking and rolling to nursery rhymes is something that we encourage at Treforys Tiny Tots. The timeless appeal of such great rhymes help infants and toddlers develop language and enjoy movement. As we all sing the familiar and strongly emphatic rhythms of “Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow,” we at times find your youngster bouncing up and down. A high-energy toddler may happily “ride” one our rockers as we all sing the rhythms of the familiar rhyme “Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross to see a fine lady upon a white horse.” All these small patterns in turn increase your child’s development and well-being. This is something we pride ourselves on.


The Rhythm of Reading
By emphasizing rhyming poems and games with your infant or toddler, we can also help their emerging literacy. The instinct to rhyme comes somewhat naturally. It has been reported in a recent study that even young toddlers practice their own made-up rhymes, such as “Oogie, woogie, poogie” over and over. Infants and toddlers take on the “-ee” sound as a diminutive to many words. Toddlers call out “doggie,” “kitty,” “horsey,” as they point and label the animals they see in picture books.


Toddlers giggle at funny rhymes even when these involve nonsense words, as in many of the Dr. Seuss books. Becoming aware of rhyming sounds boosts brain activity and early literacy. Adding singsong rhyming words to requests for your child to listen or to stop an activity is a great way to get her attention. Rhymes and rhythms add zest and humor as well as increasing your child’s cooperation.

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